Liberal - not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry. Open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded. It's not a swear word pe
Well, it's that time again, the magical season of reformatting that seems to have become all the more frequent since I moved to XP. It seems that for every 5 times I install it, one installation will be good, the others will disagree with programs I use, crash at random, or simply be full of weird glitches. I would make the move back to 2K, but XP has a lot of new stuff that I've got used to having, so I guess I'll just have to deal with it, hopefully this install will go right first time (current's been on about 4 weeks, and I've been putting up with strange crashes and glitches such as explorer's treeview not showing icons next to any of the nodes). Wish me luck...

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 14, 2002
Good Luck!
But one question, if I may.........why didn't you leave it alone after that ONE time out of 5??
on Apr 14, 2002
Hey, AJ, is yours a upgrade or a full version. Mine is an upgrade and I have every install full of rubiish too. I have never had any of the problems you descibe, but my one every time I load up, my taskbar will not respond at all for about 2-5 minutes. The desktop and any windows which open do work though. Has anyone got any ideas about it? I'm trying to contact Microsoft, but their support takes soooooo long!
on Apr 14, 2002
Splash, Just to point out what you probably already know: You can use the XP upgrade CD to do a full clean install. Just boot with the upgrade CD and during the setup process it will ask you to insert your Win2K CD (or other qualifying version) to verfiy you are authorized to use the upgrade CD.
on Apr 15, 2002
Yes, but I haven't got a WinMe CD! It came pre-installed and Packard-Bell never gave me a CD. What would happen then?
on Apr 15, 2002
And also, don't you have to go through the rubbish of formatting and partitioning and stuff? My computer also never came with a master CD for the factory preset configuratrion and if I reformat and re-partition and stuff, I will probably end up wiping the hidden partition full of this stuff which they gave me instad of a master CD.
on Apr 15, 2002
I have noticed that computers with built in video cards seem to have problems. I think it comes from using a video driver that was meant for a card that is independent from the motherboard.

Curses on OEM machines.
on Apr 15, 2002
FYI, OEM means 'Original Equipment Manufacturer'
on Apr 15, 2002
All of my installs of XP have been over a virgin '98, where absolutely nothing was set up in the 98 OS, not even the graphic card or audio.
I just put XP over it, not as a dual boot, and let XP handle the card configs, etc.
The only 'weird' thing is that the XP startup will stall if I have the explorer mouse NOT in the PS2 port.....for a while I ran two mouses/mice...the Explorer in the USB, and a PS2 Mouse in the PS2 port.....
on Apr 15, 2002
I was just, reading an article about XP in Maximum PC, where they mention you should have a 1.2GHz CPU and 256MB of memory to get the full advantage of XP. Or have at least 800MHz CPU and 256MB of RAM.
Now I'm not sure about these numbers, I know my system falls short, and that Microsoft system req. on the box is going to to be far less then the specs in the article. I wonder which is closer to fact. How does you systems meet the two power specs?
on Apr 16, 2002
500 P3...1 gig of PC133 ram running at 100..[old MB...Abit BX6]...
on Apr 16, 2002
Well, I'm back, and everything is at least holding the illusion of working well for now. Let's try and answer a few of those questions:

Koasati: There comes a time in every person's life when they must reformat. I am cursed with an innate stupidity that makes me do it out of habit every few months. It's a habit carried forward from my win9x days, when such a thing was necessary. I find that after a reformat, there's less crap on my system that I don't actually need, and my machine runs a lot smoother and faster.

Splash!: No, I have the full version, MSDN edition (which means that you don't pay for it, you just convince your boss that it's a good idea to pay for it).

Griffinme: Onboard sound and video cards are the devil. I have an ATI Radeon 8500, which due to ATI's infamously terrible driver support, is probably to blame for a great deal of my problems, such as mIRC crashing whenever somebody pms me when it's skinned, or Advanced Administrative Tools giving strange errors whenever it tries to display any of those fancy Delphi tooltips with little pictures in them.

Jim: P4-1500 with 640MB of SDRAM, which should be more than enough. Of course, even if my machine barely met the minimum spec, it should just be slow, not a perpetual crash.

Personally I blame all of the manufacturers who had anything whatsoever to do with my machine. Intel, Microsoft and ATI are all horrible monsters and I pray for their death. I have given serious thought to going back to Win2k, but to be honest I don't really recall any more if that was much better, and I've grown used to some of the pleasantries that XP has graced me with. I think what I need is a shiny new machine, but unfortunately I don't think my local hardware supplier would give me much for 7 cents, some pocket fluff and a button.

on Apr 16, 2002
Have any of you who uhave had problems used Microsoft's Tech Support? They usually solve the problem.
on Apr 16, 2002
266 , 160meg of ram with real video and sound cards is much more stable then the faster machine with soldered on video and sound.
on Apr 16, 2002
Pentium 3 750mhz 1gig of DDR Rombus Ram 520meg per sec transfer 0 Page file Windows XP Professional

I got 4 letters for you babe NTFS havent had a crash since! or maybe its the fact I dont have a Windows Page file heheh anyways my computer lasts 4weeks before I feel lag might try NTFS works great espically too keep little brothers outa files
on Apr 16, 2002
I've got 800Mhz Celeron with 192Mb RAM. And a page file!

My HDD is NTFS too.
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